NPD National Roadshow

Our NPD Jon Rudd’s final Roadshow of the season will take place on the National Sports Campus Conference Centre on Saturday 7th April between heats and finals of the Irish Open – 1200 midday. 

This an open session for all Swim Ireland members across all four Regions, for any who were unable to attend the Lisburn, Nenagh or Claremorris Roadshows and to provide an opportunity for Leinster, with the Kilkenny and Dublin Roadshows having been cancelled due to the rearrangement of the Leinster AGM. 

So if you’ve not see it – it’s worth it – sign up here!


Swim Ireland

Swim Ireland Newsletter March 2018

Swim Ireland

Swim Ireland Board Meeting March 2018 – Points of note


SWSC Committee

Session Times Irish Open Swimming Championships 2018


SWSC Committee

Munster Club Development Day

The Munster Club Development Day has been rescheduled for Saturday 14th April 2018. The venue has changed and will now take place at the Castletroy Park Hotel, Co. Limerick.


Participants can book by clicking here.


Munster Swimming

New addition: Presidents Notes

From March 2018, there will be a new addition to the SWSC website. It will be called ‘Presidents Notes’.

These notes are aimed for competitive swimmers and their parents. They will be based around a new theme every month and will be published on the Competitive page.

Take a look below:

General Introduction:

Most swimming books are aimed at coaches and are highly technical. These notes instead are aimed at competitive swimmers and their parents. What I’ll try to do is present a single theme monthly. The opinions are my own (and so are any errors), but they are designed to make you think and to start discussion. They are the product of nearly five decades of coaching and observing elite swimming, but also stem from my background as a professional biological educator and researcher. I welcome questions, comments and criticisms from swimmers, and also from parents and club coaches (but directly not electronically). These notes are not designed to replace your interactions with your club coaches (and will all be approved by Director of Aquatics and Head Coach Richard Cassidy). Good interactions with your coaches are absolutely essential to optimising performance [….] Click here to continue reading


SWSC Committee

Rob Lamb Level 2 Coach

Congratulations to Rob Lamb who recently achieved a Swim Ireland Level 2 Coaching qualification.


Congratulations from all at SWSC!


SWSC Committee

Mini Polo CPD

There will be a free Mini Polo CPD taking place on Tuesday 27th March 2018 at Mayfield Leisure Centre, Cork. This will take place from 9am – 2.15pm.

This is a great opportunity to learn more about Water Polo and using it for pool activities.

To register contact Carol Finlay on or call 086 8384346


Munster Swimming

Munster LC Qualifying Meet 10-11 March

Team Managers

Session 1

  • Mari Wall
  • Patricia Punch


Session 2

  • Robert Sarkany
  • Pat Myers


Session 3

  • Emma Coleman
  • Deirdre Carey


Session 4

  • Anne Wolfe
  • Annmarie O Keeffe

Munster LC Qualifying Meet 10-11 March



Session 1

  • Luke O Sullivan
  • Alex Walsh
  • John Curtin


Session 2

  • Justine Bowler
  • Antonina Sech
  • Rowan Walsh


Session 3

  • Luke O Sullivan
  • Paul Higgins
  • Ben Cudmore


Session 4

  • Lauren Farr
  • Ellen Lee
  • Penny Semple