Changes to Squad Structure 2019/2020 Season
Dear Parents/Guardians & Swimmers,
The 2019/2020 season will bring some very positive changes to our club structure.
In consultation with Swim Ireland Ireland’s HP (High Performance) coaches and other senior coaches around the country, the SWSC committee has decided that the existing squad structure should be improved. These improvements will enable a structure which will cater for the diverse requirements of all of our swimmers moving forward.
Thus the Piranhas, Barracudas and Marlins will be replaced with Junior, Intermediate and Senior squads.
Junior Squad:
The new Junior Squad(old Piranhas) will remain a stepping stone from our Learn to Swim Program, being technique and skill focused with an introduction to conditioning.
Intermediate squad:
Within the Intermediate squad, three separate groups each with a different lead coach will train 12 hours a week (as per Barracuda roster last season) and encompass:
A Development Group (8-12 years),
A Junior Performance Pathway Group (11-12 years with Division 1 focus).
A Senior Group with Division 2 focus (13-18 years)
Senior Squad:
The Senior Squad which will train 14 hours or more a week (initially as per Marlin roster last season) and comprise Division 1 qualifiers of 13 years or older, Irish SC qualifiers and College Athletes. The new Senior Squad will have participation contracts, signed on a year-to-year basis with expectations set by the Director of Coaching & Teaching. Each swimmer and parent/guardian will be expected to sign the contract which will be reviewed quarterly.
We believe, having looked at our recent past, that this is a huge step forward, and also believe that within this structure every swimmer interested or committed to the sport of competitive swimming, whether at local, regional or national/international level has a place within the club.
As a club we believe that building a winning culture, where development of values, attitudes and beliefs about swimming, takes time and effort. We also believe that we now have the right people at coach and committee level to uphold these standards and set down an even stronger foundation that will hold the club in good stead for years to come -taking SWSC to the next level in competition in Ireland and abroad.
Yours in sport,
Richard Cassidy,
Director of Coaching & Teaching
(on behalf of the SWSC Committee)